Post Amplifier Coupon Discount Code > 25% Off Promo Deal

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Click on the yellow banner above and it’ll taken you to the discount page.

Make use of the special Post Amplifier promo code above to access discount page and save 25% off your next purchase of Post Amplifier by Jonathan Leger.Take note that the special offer above is available for a short time only, and may expire at any time. Simply click yellow banner above to reveal and copy your Post Amplifier discount code and use it to get your limited-time only deal. If the particular deal given here has expired, simply use the search box up above to search for the most recent available deals, discounts and bargains for this Post Amplifier .

Get INSTANT Traffic & Links to your Content!
Just install a simple plugin, enter a few details and PostAmplifier will post your new content to authority sites, resulting in solid, one-way links and instant, high-quality traffic!




Wordpress Plugin

Get instant traffic to your new blog posts from the top social platforms online!
It is not uncommon for a piece of content to receive hundreds, even thousands of visitors from the sites that PostAmplifier posts to in a matter of hours! While it certainly does depend on what content you are publishing, the possibility of hundreds, thousands, even TENS of thousands of visitors to your content using PostAmplifier is very much a reality.

Setting up PostAmplifier is as easy as installing the plugin and entering your login details.
With some WordPress plugins you almost need to take a college course just to get to use them! Not so with PostAmplifier! Just install the simple plugin, activate it and insert your login details for the sites it posts to. From there you’ll just enter info from each new piece of content and click a button for instant links and traffic from authoritative sites.
How would you like to get INSTANT backlinks from some of the most authoritative sites on the internet? With PostAmplifier, you will!
Newsvine, Reddit, Facebook etc. are some of the best sources for social signals. Links on these sites show that your content is a part of the conversation. And if your content is not showing up on these sites, it shows that it is NOT part of the conversation. Be part of the conversation with AmplifiedLinks.

AmplifiedLinks is a WordPress plugin, so it’s quick and easy to use.
We know the power of WordPress and the easy integration of WordPress plugins. PostAmplifier is a simple WordPress plugin that is easily installed and configured and works on any WordPress site on the internet.
It’s as easy as uploading the plugin, activating it and then filling in your login details. From there you simply add a few details about each post and publish. Instant links and traffic!