PerkZilla Coupon Discount Code > $300 Off Promo Deal

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Click on the yellow banner above and it’ll taken you to the discount page.

Make use of the special PerkZilla promo code above to access discount page and save $300 off your next purchase of PerkZilla by Promote Labs Inc.Take note that the special offer above is available for a short time only, and may expire at any time. Simply click yellow banner above to reveal and copy your PerkZilla discount code and use it to get your limited-time only deal. If the particular deal given here has expired, simply use the search box up above to search for the most recent available deals, discounts and bargains for this PerkZilla .

If You Need More Traffic, More Subscribers And Want To Rapidly Grow Your Audience… You’ve Come To the Right Place!
Grow Your Leads Faster (And For Less) Than Ever Before – Watch The Video Below To See How PerkZilla Can Help Your Site Go Viral On AutoPilot…

PerkZilla’s Key Features At A Glance…
Easy, Fast and Fun…
PerkZilla is simple, fast and super easy to set up with nothing to install or configure and no complex coding needed. We’ve made it plug and play simple to add a powerful signup referral system to ANY site, exponentially increasing your sign ups and helping your offers go viral.

Just login to your secure dashboard, create a new campaign and copy & paste the code into your webpage or blog post. You can then edit or update your campaign from anywhere with Internet access without having to touch the webpage again.
PerkZilla – Creating New Campaigns Is Simple, Fast and Fun!

Auto Triggered Rewards
Fully customizable “Trigger Emails” are sent automatically when the user hits a predetermined referral number. You can set these targets (e.g. send email when the user has referred 10 others) and you can send UNLIMITED emails in each campaign.

Use these messages to deliver rewards and to motivate users to refer even more visitors to your campaign.

Includes pre-loaded and customizable message templates for website launches (queue-jump and buzz building), Product / Service level upgrades for referrals, Giveaways and more.
PerkZilla – Automated Triggered Rewards

Sharing To Social Networks
Perkzilla has been developed to harness the power of word of mouth referrals using social media. From now on you won’t just collect individual sign-ups, this is list building on an accelerated scale where each new subscriber will bring in on average 3 others with them – It’s fast, simple and a proven way to build buzz via the previously untapped network of your user base.
Works With: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Tumbler and Reddit
PerkZilla – Integrated Sharing To Social Networks

Advanced Fraud Detection
Perkzilla comes fully loaded with an advanced fraud detection and prevention center. We constantly monitor suspicious and fraudulent sign up activity as well as prevent spammers from abusing your campaigns for rewards.

Awesome Data Reporting
You can easily track the performance of all your campaigns with our awesome data reporting panel. You can view at a glance visitor metrics, viral vs. direct lead attribution and the viral multiplier results of your campaigns.

You can also manage leads and view/track their activity to identify your top referrers/influencers!

PerkZilla also includes the option to set an alternative “Tracking Page URL” this enables you to add your welcome message on a separate page of your choice where you can add tracking / pixel codes (great for Google Analytics and Facebook Pixels)
PerkZilla – Awesome Data Reporting

Autoresponder Integrations
PerkZilla’s seamless click/copy integrations with the most popular autoresponder services give you the option to add your new subscriber leads automatically to your mailing lists.

You can use different autoresponders and different lists within your autoresponder for each campaign and if your favorite service isn’t listed let us know and we’ll make it happen!

You can also export your subscriber leads directly from the platform in CSV format at any time!
PerkZilla – Connect With Autoresponders