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Eczema Free You™ is a digital book that shows you how to cure eczema in a few days.

5 Natural Ways to Fight Off Eczema
If you suffer from eczema, you want and need to seek relief. You may opt for expensive over-the-counter products or try prescriptions recommended by your doctor. These may work, but don’t discount natural ways to fight off eczema. Luckily, there are many natural remedies that have proven effective for treating eczema, 5 of which are outlined below.
Natural Remedy for Eczema #1 – Bathe Properly
Proper bathing and showering is key to not only treating eczema, but preventing more outbreaks. Most medical professionals recommend short showers or baths. Lukewarm water with no bath bubbles is advised. Eczema suffers should also limit the amount of scented shampoo, conditioner, and soap they use. Opt for all-natural or organic instead. Although not necessarily an all-natural cure, lotions and creams should be applied immediately following a bath or shower to lock in the moisture.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #2 – Drink Plenty of Water
Lukewarm baths and showers have their benefits because they moisturize the skin. Lotions and creams can help keep this moisture locked in. Don’t just moisture your body from the outside, but the inside too. The most natural and easiest way to do so is to drink lots of water. Keep your body hydrated and it will help your skin, making eczema easier to manage.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #3 – Take Oatmeal Baths
Above it was stated that short baths and showers are recommended. The only exception to this is when oatmeal is used. Oatmeal tends to have a calming effect on the skin. There are all-natural oatmeal bath product sold at most department stores and drug stores, but you can easily make your own mixture. Honestly, the oatmeal sold at supermarkets will do. Add two or three cups to a bathtub filled with lukewarm water.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #4 – Watch What You Need
Watching what you eat is a natural way to fight off eczema. Unfortunately, you may run into some problems. You want to eat skin healthy foods, but some of these foods may trigger an outbreak or flare-up. For example, fruits are known to help against premature aging, but seeded fruits are a common eczema cause. You should keep a daily log of your food and drink consumption. Use this to determine what you ate or drank before each outbreak. If you notice a pattern, permanently adjusting your eating habits.

Natural Remedy for Eczema #5 – Use All Natural Supplements
All-natural supplements have proven helpful in many eczema patients. In fact, some swear by them. What you want to do is research natural supplements that can help treat or cure eczema. Good examples include fish oil, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Then, work on adding these supplements into your diet. Do so slowly and one at a time, so you know which works and which doesn’t. Supplements come in over-the-counter format, but most are found naturally in foods too.

5 Reasons to Use Home Remedies to Treat Eczema

When it comes to treating and managing eczema, sufferers have many choices. You may have heard that home remedies work, but do they? Although our bodies are all different, they have proven effective for many. That is just one of many reasons why home remedies are recommended for the treatment of eczema, continue reading on for five more.
Reason #1 – Affordability
When using home remedies to treat eczema, you may need to purchase a few supplies, but they are pretty affordable when compared to prescription medications. Moreover, you may already have what you need inside your home. In that case, no additional money is needed to seek relief.

Reason #2 – No Doctor’s Visits
Not only does avoiding the doctor save you money, but it also eliminates a major hassle. If you work outside of the home or are a parent, you must arrange time off from work or childcare. Don’t lose money or time with your kids. Home remedies enable you to treat your eczema from home and with ease.

Reason #3 – Many Choices
Home remedies are treatment options you can do at home. For eczema, you have many choices. Something as simple as locking in moisture with lotion after a bath is considered a home remedy, as is drinking plenty of water. Other home remedies include wet wraps, oatmeal baths, oatmeal pastes, and diet changes. With many home remedies to choose from, you are sure to find an easy to implement remedy that works.

Reason #4 – Fewer Risks
Home remedies for eczema are used as alternatives for prescription medications and some over-the-counter products. Many sufferers opt for home remedies because they are safer. There are fewer risks and side effects. Your goal is to seek treatment, not have other medical issues and complications to deal with too.

Reason #5 – You Have Nothing to Lose
As previously stated, most home remedies for eczema are affordable, safe, and you have many choices. Most importantly, you are able to avoid the hassle of regular doctor’s appointments. With these benefits and a high rate of success in many eczema patients, what do you have to lose? Nothing. If you haven’t already tried home remedies to manage and treat your eczema, try them. Chances are you will like the end result.

A Parent’s Guide to Eczema

As a parent, you strive to give your child a happy and healthy life, but what if they suffer from eczema? The uncontrollable urge to itch and the unknown causes may be too much for you and your child to bear. As a parent, what are you to do?
It is common to find rashes on children, but eczema is more than just a rash. It is skin condition that can turn into a struggle for both parents and children. You may have never heard of eczema until your child was diagnosed with it, but now what?

Keep Your Child’s Skin Moisturized
There are different eczema trigger factors, which can lead to an outbreak. These trigger factors may include dust, stress, sweat, and laundry detergent. However, for some children, the cause is nothing more than dry skin. We instinctively want to touch and itch dry skin to provide relief and children do the same. Moisturize your child each day. Their itching may not completely cease, but you should notice an improvement.

When moisturizing your child, aim for application throughout the day. However, the most important step is to moisturize their body immediately following a bath or shower. Your goal is to lock in the moisture. If your child is old enough, get them in the habit of reaching for moisturizer each time they feel the need to itch.

Protect Your Child’s Skin
Eczema outbreaks are typically severe in small children. They don’t understand the complications that can arise from constant scratching; therefore, they continue to itch. If your child is old enough, have an eczema discussion with them. Encourage them to apply lotion or inform you whenever they feel the need to itch. However, for small children, such as toddlers and preschoolers, you need to protect your child’s skin yourself.

As previously stated, the first line of protection is constant moisture. The second is to keep the area prone to outbreaks covered. This is especially important at night, as some children actually scratch their arms and legs in their sleep. When later asked, some are even unaware of their actions. The less direct contact the fingernails have with the skin, the less damage is done.

Seek Medical Attention for Skin Infections
Most cases of eczema in children can be treated at home. However, children are at an increased risk for skin infections. Eczema creates the uncontrollable urge to itch. Your child may continue scratching until the skin is broken, leaving an open wound. Children will be children and that means coming into contact with many germs and bacteria. Combine these with an open wound and there is an increased risk for a skin infection. Treat your child’s eczema at home, but seek medical attention if you suspect the onset of infection.

As a parent, you are unable to cure your child’s eczema, with Eczema Free You Coupon Code you help protect them from the lifelong complications, such as scars.