AppointBee Coupon Code > 50% Off Promo Special Offer

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Coupon Details

AppointBee Coupon Code: Click on the button above and the official site would open in a new tab and the coupon would be shown here. Copy the coupon and apply that while making the payment to get AppointBee.

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Introducing Of AppointBee Coupon Code

AppointBee is an Advanced Appointment Booking System housed in a professional business website that fits any type of niche and works across all devices + It comes with Extensive Client Finder to search for Websites missing with appointment system.
So Anyone can Create Appointment Booking Websites for Any Local Businesses to help them Get Tons of Appointments using AppointBee.
Packed with great features to land Appointments and help them get more Leads, Sales, and Profit. Easy 5 mins Setup to Skyrocket Appointments And Minimize Booking Cancellations!

Outdated Booking Systems Are Killing Local Business Owners!

Local Business Owners Are Paying Thousands Per Month For Call Centers To Take Bookings For Them – And It’s Not Working!

Contact Forms Don’t Work Either!

On the Other side, Customers have to think of what to say, wait for an email response, then go back and forth with the secretary via email before actually making a booking.

And after all this?

Customers forget to show up! This results in heavy losses for the local biz owner.

In the US alone, $150 billion per year is estimated as the annual loss from missed medical Niche only.

Now think abt the Complete Local Market.

With AppointBee, You Can Solve All of These Problems In Just 5 Minutes Of Setup!

By offering local Business owners a fully optimized, hands-free appointment booking system.

With AppointBee you have the power to double Any Local Business bookings and customers over a short period of time!

And Charge them Monthly Recurring, One-time Price in Multiples of Hundreds.

Or Simply Act as an Appointment Booking Agency for Various Businesses.

Check Out Powerful AppointBee Features

AppointBee is a Package of Powerful WordPress Appointment Booking Tool + An Extensive Client Finder SAAS – AppointBeeLeads that finds Websites missing with an appointment Booking system. Below are some of the best features we thought might entice you to avail of this amazing product.

Super Easy To Setup, Done in Few Mins

Just point and click and you’ll have the entire system set up for your first client in minutes.

With step-by-step instructions, the system is designed for complete beginners to use without any steep learning curves or special skills.

Easy & Extensive Appointment Settings

Time scheduling and calendar – Allow customers to pick a time from the biz owner’s calendar. No more back and forth via email or phone to check available time slots.

Confirmation and reminder SMS and emails – Keep customers in the loop and remind them when to show up, reducing the amount of no-shows.

Working hours – Shows customers when the business is open so they can book the right time, every time.

Showcase services – Show visitors which services are available, right inside a beautiful booking system that works perfectly on every device!

No More Double Bookings

AppointBee has built-in technology to prevent double bookings.

If another customer has already booked an appointment, the software will let them know and suggest another slot that’s available!

Build Your Clients Email Lists

Capture emails during the booking process, so that you or the biz owner can follow up with more offers in the future.

You can even offer them a done-for-you email marketing service to collect big paychecks every month!

AppointBeeLeads Client Finder

AppointBeeLeads is a Separate SAAS Module that Deep Crawls the Web to Find Local Business Websites that are missing Appointment Booking System.

Simply Scan your area or anywhere in the world, Then Simply Send Proposals from right inside the system and Sell ApointBee System to Generate Monthly Recurring Revenue.

Manage And Display Correct Working Hours

Set up your client’s holidays, days off, lunchtimes and meetings, so the system can only take bookings when they’re available.

Easily Manage it From Cloud Based Dashboard within a few Clicks.

No Experience Required.

Google Calendar Integration

With a Single Tap of a button, Instantly sync your client’s Google calendar into AppointBee…

…allowing your client to see all of their appointments in one place, including ones booked separately in their Google calendar alongside their AppointBee bookings!

Automatic Email and SMS Reminders

Set up your client’s holidays, days off, lunchtimes and meetings, so the system can only take bookings when they’re available.

Easily Manage it From Cloud Based Dashboard within a few Clicks.

No Experience Required.

Team License Included

Most Local Business owners will have multiple people who take bookings (Dentists, Doctors, Chiropractors, Roofers, Spa Therapists, Coaches, Architects, Engineers, etc.)

With AppointBee you can give each member of the team their own appointment system under one “umbrella” system for that company.

Fully Optimized for All Devices

AppointBee works perfectly on all devices and screen sizes, so your client will never lose a booking because of a badly designed form that’s hard to fill out.

Customers can book appointments from their mobile devices in a few simple taps, without squinting, pinching or zooming their screens!

Plus Must-Have Additional Features Such As –

Simple Client Dashboard

Your clients will have an easy bird’s eye view of their appointment calendar to help them stay organized.

Export Data

Your clients can easily export their appointment details and statistics for offline references and analysis.

Powerful Sales Reporting

Allow your client to view recent transactions, pending and future appointments, customer details, and amount paid, in one simple screen.

Built-in Blogging

Your clients can use this to provide additional information about their products and services, boost appointment bookings and even attract free traffic from Google.

Easy Management

Just Login to Your cloud-based dashboard and manage appointments with ease