SpreadSimple Coupon Code > Lifetime Access 88% Off Promo Deal

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Coupon Details

SpreadSimple Coupon Code: Click on the button above and the official site would open in a new tab and the coupon would be shown here. Copy the coupon and apply that while making the payment to get SpreadSimple.

Make use of the special SpreadSimple coupon code above to access discount page and save 88% off your next purchase of SpreadSimple by Refat. Take note that the special offer above is available for a short time only, and may expire at any time. Simply click the button above to reveal and copy your SpreadSimple Coupon Discount Code and use it to get your limited-time only deal. Since SpreadSimple launched for it’s excellent value, one-time pricing

SpreadSimple Coupon Code

Introducing SpreadSimple Coupon Code

SpreadSimple is a no-code web application that makes it simple and quick to create and manage a feature-rich website using just the data in a Google Sheet.

SpreadSimple may not work through magic, but the way it conjures styled, customized websites is definitely enchanting. (And much more useful than a neverending scarf…)

To get started, choose one of SpreadSimple’s professional-grade website templates, which can be customized to fit your unique needs.

In just 20 minutes, you’ll have a modern, feature-rich website—without needing any special tech skills or coding knowledge.

Manage the way your content is displayed on the page, including the information that’s most important to customers.
Customize the design of your page by adding your own colors, branding, and logo in just a few clicks. (You paid too much for that logo to hide it behind third-party branding.)

SpreadSimple also lets you introduce various customizable features to your site like search, sorting, filtering, and pagination to make all your product pages uniquely yours.

You can include SEO details like meta tags, favicons, preview images, as well as custom scripts for chats, analytics, and more.

Anything goes on content pages! Add a global header and footer, plus contact info, delivery and payment details, an “About us,” and any SEO-friendly content.

Content pages feature a global header and footer. Add your branding, contact info, delivery and payment details, an “About us,” and more!
To match the site to your branding even more, you can use a free subdomain or connect your own domain.

SpreadSimple makes browsing simple for customers with the ability to create filters and categories for the items they’re looking for. (Making them endlessly scroll is cruel and unusual.)

Add an order form and shopping cart to your site and enable PayPal checkout, and your customers are ready to check out in no time!

Since you can provide specific details and categories for each item or entry, SpreadSimple is ideal for e-commerce, restaurants, real estate, and directories.

What makes SpreadSimple different from other GS-based website builders?
Sure, SpreadSimple isn’t the first web app that uses Google Sheets as a database. But we have a vision of how to bring website development to another level of speed and simplicity. And the ease of use is always our top priority.
We don’t stuff everything into Google Sheets. Instead, we use it where it gives the best results — as repeatable data (cards). You use Google Sheets only to manage your content, and you set up your website design and structure in our intuitive visual Editor.
And using a set of integrations available on SpreadSimple, you can connect multiple tools and services to your website, automate your business processes and get a simple yet powerful solution.

Our users also note the UX and our love for a great clean design, as well as fast setup and the list of features that is constantly growing. They also say, SpreadSimple is fun to build on! 😄
You can check the reviews on our Twitter and ProductHunt page, by the way we got #1 Product of the Day there.

SpreadSimple will be perfect for:
– No-coders and web developers who want to build multiple websites fast
– Growth hackers to test their hypotheses
– Startupers to build working MVPs
– E-commerce entrepreneurs
– Restaurant and cafe owners to keep their menus always up-to-date
– Agencies and freelancers
– Anyone who wants to create styled job boards, catalogs, listings, directories of any kind. No special skills required!

SpreadSimple is growing and new features are coming almost every week.
I’d like to share a few things we’re currently working on. 🛠
These are:
– More integrations: more mailers, chats and analytics tools
– New templates
– Product options: choose the size, color, amenities, etc
– Faceted search (more powerful conditional filters)

Here are a few things you need to know about this deal:

Q: What is a license?
A: Using a license you can upgrade your website to Pro and get access to all the Pro features. Please note that one license equals one Pro website.

Q: Can I delete a project and reuse the license for a new one?
A: Yes, in your account you can manage the licenses any way you want. Once your website is deleted, you will get an open license that you can use to upgrade another website of yours. Also, just in one click you can upgrade to Pro or downgrade to Free your websites. The number of licenses equals the number of Pro websites you can have.

Q: Will I be able to move a website to another account?
A: Yes, you will. This feature is planned and will be released soon.
Please note that moving a website to another account does not mean that your LTD license will be moved too. The “receiving” account also needs to be Pro (have one unused Pro license).
This way you can build websites for clients: you can create and demonstrate a fully functioning website, and pass it to your client later, once they are ready.

Q: I already have a favorite site builder, why do I need another one?
A: The great thing about SpreadSimple is that it not just allows creating new websites, but it can really enhance the existing ones. Menus, job boards, courses listings, best places catalogs, etc – quite often it’s much easier to keep and update those things in Google Sheets.
You can embed it onto your website and get always up-to-date content that can be easily automated thanks to GS.

Q: Can I add content pages like About us, Contact us, Terms of use, etc?
A: Absolutely! For these purposes there is a page editor with markdown support. By the way, you can easily import content pages from Notion, and for GDPR compliance you can enable Cookies Popup in a click.

Q: I can’t find the template for my case. Which one should I use?
A: Here, at SpreadSimple, a template is more of a starting point, and it doesn’t limit you at any point. They are pretty flexible and can be customized to serve different needs.
They do not limit the website behavior and you can start with one and make it look like another template later. All you need is to change the certain settings.
And you don’t have to use one to create your website. As it’s been said, templates are just to give you a quick start.

Finally! A tool which brings my favorite Google App into play

I love using Google sheets because of the flexibility it provides in managing my business. But I had never thought if it would be possible to directly use Sheets within my website. It is really awesome and makes me and my team more productive.

However, I would say that anyone interested in this tool to create a new gmail ID for activating. As this app will have access to the other files on your google drive, I think this should be explicitly mentioned. Another thing is that Google drive has only 15 GB of space. For many people including myself, this limit compels to create multiple gmail accounts. (If there is another option then please advise)

What would I like to see :
1. Ability to connect with multiple Google accounts.
2. Registering with account to be made independent of Gmail. There are many who would like to keep their personal and official Gmail accounts separate.

The possibilities are endless. I am hoping this app develops even more.


In any given week I have about 10 ideas for a new, quick site or service. Sometimes one feels good enough to go ahead and take a weekend to start registering a domain, designing a database, standing up a server, and starting to code. But somewhere in there I lose momentum, and another potentially interesting idea joins my ever-expanding island of lost toys.
Not today.
This morning I purchased the SpreadSimple deal. In about 30 minutes I had scraped some data for a new idea, exported it to a Google Sheet, and created a new site with this tool. A COMPLETELY FUNCTIONAL, DATA-DRIVEN SITE.
I am still digging-in to the customization possibilities and the add-ons, but so far I can say this just might be a game changer for me. Not only that, but when I had a couple of questions (at around 7:45 on a Saturday morning) the tech support chat was live and I had my answers and help in minutes.
I’m not sure, but… could this be love?

Easy 5 Taco

Whilst others love this tool for easy of setting up a store my main reason for giving this some 5 Taco love is the ease in which it can be used to boost your sites using the IMPORTFEED function to parse your main feed to a google sheet and then consume that within spreadsimple. Using the button / link with the keyword you wish to promote inside it and havig the ability to clone over and over again to push multiple terms makes this an easy win for myself and my clients. Instant 5 stack 🙂

Questions I would like to ask would be when will new templates be coming, SpreadSimple Coupon Code will you give us more control over either being able to build our own, or have a market place there for us to both earn on.