Forward Head Posture Coupon Discount Code > 41% Off Promo Deal

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Make use of the special Forward Head Posture promo code above to access discount page and save 41% off your next purchase of Forward Head Posture by Rick Kaselj.Take note that the special offer above is available for a short time only, and may expire at any time. Simply click yellow banner above to reveal and copy your Forward Head Posture discount code and use it to get your limited-time only deal.If the particular deal given here has expired, simply use the search box up above to search for the most recent available deals, discounts and bargains for this Forward Head Posture .


Q: Why is this program different from other posture & FHP programs?

A: Unlike other posture programs which focus on stretching exercises, Rick’s program is unique in focusing closely on the “sequential flow”. In other words, it isn’t necessarily about what exercises and stretches are performed, more about completing them in the right sequence in order to open up and “unravel” the neck so you can begin to fix Forward Head Posture and restore balance to the body.

Q: Why can’t I just get all this information from the internet?

A: There are a lot of videos and online resources dedicated to tackling the problem of Forward Head Posture, yet very few offer a complete solution to fixing the problem at its root. While many suggest stretches which will give temporary relief from any neck, shoulder or back pain, Rick’s program is designed to get to the very root of the problem and give you a long term solution.

You can only do this through using Rick’s tailored program which is NOT available anywhere other than right here.

Q: What if the Forward Head Posture FIX doesn’t work for me?

A: We’re absolutely confident you’re going to love Forward Head Posture FIX based on the fantastic results we’ve seen guys and girls achieve. However, if for any reason you aren’t happy with the product, simply email us and ask for a 100% no-questions-asked refund and we’ll be happy to give you all your money back.

Q: I’m female — will the Forward Head Posture Fix help me?

A: Absolutely. Just as many women as men are affected by Forward Head Posture (in fact, women are more likely to suffer from the extra weight they usually carry on their chest which pulls the body forward). Simply follow the instructions in exactly the same way to learn how to effectively “unwind” your neck muscles to begin the process of fixing your posture.

Q: Who is this program suitable for?

A: This program is most suitable for anyone who suffers from Forward Head Posture regardless of the stage it’s at. Please note that research shows that 90% of people suffer from Forward Head Posture.

Q: What if I’ve had problems with my back or neck? Should I be able to follow the program?

A: The answer to this question isn’t so black and white, unfortunately. In our opinion, it depends. If you are suffering from generalized back and neck pain caused by Forward Head Posture, then you are likely to be ok to try the program which should offer some immediate relief from the pain. However, in every instance we would suggest you consult your physician before undertaking any exercise of any kind if you have doubts.

Q: How long do I need to follow the program for?

A: You will be able to experience results from the very first time you go through the “sequential flow”. However, the program has been designed to be used at least three times a week for up to six weeks for maximum effect. Of course, you can go beyond six weeks and incorporate the exercises into your normal program.

Q: How long will the exercises take to do?

A: Rick was very clear on ensuring the full range of 10 exercises didn’t take any more than 15 minutes. Once you have learned the sequence a few times, it will take even less time to complete.

Q: How quickly can I get started?

A: As soon as you’ve entered your credit card details and hit submit, your payment is processed and you’ll shortly receive log-in details via your email account. Make sure you check your inbox carefully (and the Junk folder if nothing appears to come through). Once you’ve received your log-in details, simply log-in and you’ll instantly have access to the manual, all the videos and the bonuses in PDF and MP4 format so you don’t have to wait to start experiencing results.

Q: Will I need any special equipment or be a member of a gym to do this program?

A: Not at all. All these exercises are designed to be carried out and completed without any special equipment. You can do the exercises standing, sitting or on the floor. We have also provided exercise swaps for any movements that are either too hard or too easy for you.

Q: I have had neck surgery or my neck is fused, will this sequential flow help me?

A: You will be able to do many of the exercises in the sequential flow. However, it is impossible to know your individual situation on what you can do or what you should not do. Thus, we do recommend that you consult your physician to see if there are any movements you need to modify or not perform in the Forward Head Posture Fix program.