Hey there, congratulations on taking the plunge and checking out Graphitii.
You’re going to love it.
Fire it up and create the best-goddam-looking blog posts on the internet.
Supercharge your social media.
Electrify your marketing.
Your engagement is going to be bigger than Brad and Angelina’s.
And shooting video that’s good enough for cinemagraphs is a skill very few people have mastered.
It should be no great surprise that shaky, handheld camera-phone footage screams AMATUER louder than the front row of America’s Got Talent.
So, what to do?
You could buy yourself a tripod, and dust off the old DSLR, but even then you could spend days trying to shoot the perfect footage.
Finding good quality video online is possible. It’s less time consuming. But it’s far more expensive.
Shutter Stock offer a discount if you buy a pack. But that doesn’t make it cheap. A pack of 25 HD videos will still set you back a hefty £1,149 (That’s $1,435!).
It’s simple. The pros shoot the video. You create the Cinemagraph. All you need to do is pick the footage you want, then use Graphitii to turn it into the kind of Cinemagraph big brands are splashing out crazy money for.
While everyone else is fighting tooth and nail for any scraps of attention their amateur-hour video and second-rate cinemagraphs can muster up…
You’ll be firing up Graphitii and choosing from a monthly banquet of first-rate, professionally recorded HD videos… videos specifically created to be transformed into show-stopping cinemagraphs.
While other people waste hours trying (and often failing) to get the shot…
While others are coughing up thousands of dollars for a limited supply stock video… You’ll never have to pay for a stock video again… It’s game over for anyone who steps into the ring with you. The fight should be declared a NO CONTEST. And that’s not all:
There’s nothing to it. Our professional videographers do all the heavy lifting. Doing what they do best every month, and shooting you beautiful HD video. Then - because not all video is right for a cinemagraph - we choose the best 50 cinemagraph-ready videos and upload them to your account ready for you to use.
And because you still get to style the cinemagraph yourself, you’ll never see the same one twice. Which means… You’ll always have the highest-quality cinemagraphs helping your blogs, ads, and social media completely OUTSHINE your competition. You won’t just be different. You’ll be the best.
Graphitii club members get all these benefits for less than the price of a single stock video:
You can be confident every video you use has been shot by a professional videographer, and vetted by our own team of marketers for cinemagraph-worthiness before it lands in your membership portal. That way, you’ll know the Cinemagraphs you create will have the capacity to captivate your readers, drive massive engagement, and compel your audience to act.
Graphitii club members eliminate the need to rely on expensive stock videos to get the best results. They eliminate the need to spend days shooting video, or hours searching for something “good enough” … Log into your Graphitii portal and it’s all there. A wealth of high-class video, perfect for any niche, product, or occasion—ready and waiting for you to use, including:
hand-selected to create the best cinemagraphs on the web, bar none… delivered to you every month.
ready to use at a moment’s notice to keep your marketing fresh and your viewers engaged.
to exclusive club members-only HD video footage. All you need to do is select your video, then let Graphitii do the rest…
and it doesn’t end there:
of the competition by creating mesmerising Cinemagraphs in minutes.
every cinemagraph you create has the power to hypnotise your audience, drive engagement and compel massive action.
if you’ve got the Graphitti commercial licence you can use your monthly videos to impress more clients, for more money, while doing less work!
There are currently NO PLANS to open Graphitii club to the public any time soon. So when you leave this page you leave behind your only opportunity to join.
If you’re serious about using cinemagraphs, and you’re not a professional videographer, then stock video is going to set you back a–round $1,435 on average (…that’s if you’re able to “save money” by buying a pack of 25.) But as a Graphitii club member, you don’t need to worry, because you know every video you use has been shot by a professional videographer… And you don’t have to worry about the price either, because as you’ll see…
And that’s not all: As a Graphitii club member you also know that every video added to your membership portal is handpicked by a team of seasoned marketers with a single purpose in mind: To make sure you’ve always got nstant access to an unbeatable selection of high quality cinemagraph-ready videos to blow your prospects, customers, and clients away. And there’s more: As a bonus for joining TODAY, you’ll also get a special joining gift which is yours to keep forever.
If you invested in this many stock videos, they’d be worth at least $5740, but not today, not for you.
You can download them, use them to drive explosive engagement… If you’ve got the commercial license, you can even sell them as your own cinemagraph creations. They’re yours to keep, use, and profit from as you see fit.
Disrupt newsfeeds in any niche with must-look HD cinemagraphs
your blog readers…and cultivate a loyal audience with truly shareworthy posts.
more fans on social media…and get them raving about your latest, greatest cinemagraphs…
for hellishly good branding…and see your brand, business and bank balance grow organically.
in creating hypnotic ads…dominate one niche, or expand effortlessly across the whole spectrum and watch your engagement grow..
If you’ve already picked up the commercial licence, well done. You’re staring at a goldmine. Without the need to create your own videos, you can create truly inspiring cinemagraphs in minutes. And that means:
Just make sure you up your prices before you approach big brands with your designs. Just imagine how freeing it will be to offer unique cinemagraphs to your clients, at competitive price, without ever having to spend time shooting video for a single one.
To thank you for investing in Graphitii today, we’d like to invite you to become one of an exclusive bunch of members who’ll get these incredible videos all to themselves. Remember: There are no plans to open Graphitii club to the public anytime soon. But when we do finally open it, it’ll be a lot more expensive that it is today.
For starters, there’ll be a $197 signing up fee to ensure we keep our club members exclusive.
For starters, there’ll be a $197 signing up fee to ensure we keep our club members exclusive.
For starters, there’ll be a $197 signing up fee to ensure we keep our club members exclusive.
Join today and we’ll immediately GIFT you 100 videos worth $5740 for you to use time and again. If you’ve got the commercial license you can use them for clients.
Join today and we’ll immediately GIFT you 100 videos worth $5740 for you to use time and again. If you’ve got the commercial license you can use them for clients.
To take advantage of this incredible invitation... worth $5,740... lock in 62% discounted membership and get instant access to 100s of exclusive member-only videos...
All you have to do is click the Join Now button below, and your membership will be activated instantly.
Please note: This invitation is good during this launch only. Once you leave this page today, it will not be offered again.