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It’s a comprehensive blueprint for researching, engineering, evaluating, optimizing, and scaling a mega-hit customer-acquisition marketing campaign. It shares in detail, for the first time ever, Todd Brown’s entire 5-stage Customer Acquisition Marketing Protocol (i.e. E5 C.A.M.P.).
It’s the exact process Todd Brown personally use to create all of the six and seven-figure customer-acquisition campaigns he has become known for. It’s the same methodology well-known marketers fly-out to West Palm Beach — each paying $12,500 for the day — to have him install in their businesses. And it’s the same process his agency has used to create marketing campaigns for some of the biggest direct response companies selling online today.
So, the E5 CAMP Masterclass is truly his life’s work in the world of direct response marketing over the past fifteen-plus years… distilled into a dialed framework, taught over 15 hours, with a series of 8 modules, 30 masterclass lessons, 18 step-by-step Execution Guides, and handouts for everything.
And, the entire program is delivered via a custom portal designed from the ground up.